
I'm back on the Blog Trail... starting 2024 as I mean to go on. My first blog for a while is just a little reflectiuon of the some of the moments that have stuck in my mind from 2023. There were so many of them that I just couldn't count!

Pancake is a chancer and a faker. If there was a film about her she would be the ace con-merchant, the lovable rogue, but rogue nevertheless. What on Earth am I on about. Read the blog so you never get caught out by the faux innocence of Pancake.

It's really kicking off here in Lot-et-Garonne; the local towns and villages are starting their social programmes and there's lots happening on the warm summer evenings. My favourites are the Gourmands Nocturnes. Never heard of them? You can read more here...

Corporate hospitality? Really? Here? Well, yes, our first Corporate Hospitality event here in Lot-et-Garonne; all to promote Chateau de Biron. How did it go? Was it like so many hospitality events - a bit cringe-worthy? Read the blog to find out!

My family, I suppose like many large families, doesn't get together that often - and even then it's usually for 'an event'. So it was fabulous when my brother, two sisters and niece and their families all paid a visit... at the same time... for no reason other than to be together. I always hoped Fon du Bourg would bring the family together. Did it? Read the blog to find out.